
Summer Schedule 2024

Further details: (604) 209-5570


5th Sixth Sunday of Easter
• Today we continue in our series in the Gospel of John
• Birthdays and Anniversaries
• Community Lunch after the service—Everyone is welcome

12th Mothers' Day/Vision Sunday (Seventh Sunday of Easter)
• Today is Ascension Sunday—we celebrate the day Jesus ascended into heaven
• Today we will share the Vision and Mission of All Saints Church
• Bishop Peter preaches on, and the Elders share, the All Saints' "Vision and Mission"
• We also thank God for our Mothers!
• We continue our study in the Gospel of John

19th Pentecost Sunday
• Today we celebrate the birthday of The Church
• Today we have an opportunity to be filled with the Holy Spirit
• We celebrate the different languages in our Church Community

26th Trinity Sunday
• Today we celebrate the Holy Trinity
• The Rev. Dr. Ed Hird will preach from Isaiah
• Raymond Sham will lead music worship
• Bishop Peter and Jenny will be travelling to Malaysia


7th Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
• Today we welcome the Rev. Francis Awando, Anglican Mission priest from Kenya as our guest preacher
• Birthdays and Anniversaries

14th Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
• Today we have an Outdoor Family Service
• We continue our study in the Gospel of John
• Community Picnic Lunch after the service—Everyone is welcome

21st The Feast of St. James the Apostle
• Today we thank God for the life of James the Apostle
• We continue our study in the Gospel of John

28th Instructional Eucharist (Tenth Sunday after Pentecost)
• Today we'll be led through an "Instructional Eucharist"
• We continue our study in the Gospel of John


2nd Second Sunday after Pentecost
• The Rev. Dr. Ed Hird will preach from Isaiah
• Trevor Conkey will lead music worship
• Birthdays and Anniversaries
• Bishop Peter and Jenny will be travelling to Malaysia

9th Alpha Sunday
• Today we welcome those who have participated in the Alpha "Holy Spirit Weekend"
• We have a special Alpha guest speaker: Janice Ryan CEO Alpha Canada
• Community Picnic Lunch after the service—Everyone is welcome

16th Fathers' Day (Fourth Sunday after Pentecost)
• Today we thank God for our Fathers!
• We continue our study in the Gospel of John

23rd The Birth of John the Baptist
• Today we celebrate the birth of John the Baptist
• We continue our study in the Gospel of John

30th Canada Day (Sixth Sunday after Pentecost)
• We'll also sing our National Anthem
• We continue our study in the Gospel of John 


4th Transfiguration of the Lord
• Today we remember the transfiguration of our Lord
• We continue our study in the Gospel of John
• Birthdays and Anniversaries

11th Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
• We continue our study in the Gospel of John
• Community Lunch after the service—Everyone is welcome

18th Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
• We continue our study in the Gospel of John

25th Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
• We continue our study in the Gospel of John
• All Saints World Bocce Tournament (2pm start) and B-B-Q